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 高等继续教育 / TCPIP网络技术

题型描述: 单选题
  • 某混凝土浇筑工程,每施工100m3时,人工费为3953.58元,材料费为18194.74元,机械费为923.34元;嵌套项有混凝土拌制与混凝土运输,每施工100m3时需要混凝土拌制与运输的体积为103m3(每拌制100m3混凝土时,人工费为477.00元,材料费为40.69元,机械费为1557.60元;每运输 100m3混凝土时,人工费为493.40元,材料费为62.82元,机械费为763.00元),已知其他直接费费率为4.7%,间接费费率为7%,企业利润率为7%,税率为11%,材料价差为15118.99元,求该混凝土浇筑单价(单位100m3,计算结果保留两位小数)。水利工程造价
  • 审时度势?因势利导?趋利避害?立身行道是学习管理的根本目的? 错误正确项目管理
  • 36. 下列属于行政组织决策的原则有   A、系统原则   B、效率原则   C、信息原则   D、预测原则中石油
  • 喷射井点的主要设备包括( )建筑施工技术
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解The next time youˊre watching television, pay attention to the advertisements. Even if the ad is for a womanˊs personal product, or baby diapers, the chances are that a manˊs voice is used in the commercial. Why? Because a manˊs voice carries more weight and authority to many people. Advertising agencies hire psychologists to determine what makes people respond to an ad by purchasing the product. Most people are conditioned to obey their fathers. Advertisers know a kindly male voice talking about the product in the last five seconds of a commercial has a subliminal (潜意识的) effect on the consumer. The consumer obeys that voice, leading to the purchase of one brand over another. This is especially important in products that are basically the same, such as detergent, or washing powder. Research proves that most of these products are equally effective: the only difference may be the scent, or perhaps the color. But consumers may not be aware of that. There are exceptions, of course. My grandmother, who is 87 years old, is one of the few people not influenced by commercials. She turns the television sound off when a commercial comes on TV. When asked why, she replied, ″Men sell that stuff. And what does any man know about washing clothes?″1.Some products, such as washing powder, are basically the same, except for _ _ _ _ _ _ A. the priceB. the expiry dateC. the scent or colorD. the purchasing method2.The focus of the passage is on _ _ _ _ _ _ A. the visual effect of adsB. the beauties in adsC. the voice in adsD. the design of ads3.The products mentioned in the passage are mainly designed for _ _ _ _ _ _ A. womenB. menC. childrenD. old people4.According to the passage, a male voice usually appears _ _ _ _ _ _ an adA. in the middle ofB. all throughC. at the end ofD. at the beginning of5.A manˊs voice is often used in an ad because it carriesA. more informationB. more experienceC. more certaintyD. more influence专科英语II
  • ( )实现进程到进程之间的通信。网络实用技术基础