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 高等继续教育 / 钢结构

题型描述: 计算题
  • 外墙主要起分隔房间的作用。建筑构造
  • 题干二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50分)。 Vision and Execution: Two Sides of a Successful Strategy A strategic plan is not the end goal of the strategic planning process – it is the framework for successfully implementing a strategy. Until a strategic plan is put into effect, it has no real value.  There are several keys to successful implementation. First, people directly involved in executing the strategy must be included in the planning process. Strategic planning is no longer a top-down directive. Without the input and feedback of the people responsible for executing on the strategy, a seemingly solid strategy is likely to fall apart when implementation is attempted. The next key to successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company. The communication should ensure that everyone in the company understands and accepts the strategy as the best path forward, and not simply the leadership's latest idea. Without clear communication, employees lack a sense of ownership and clarity of purpose. When a strategy is not understood or embraced, it usually results in misunderstanding and uneven commitments to implementation. Another key to the successful execution of a strategic plan is the clear and straightforward description of the plan and its operations. Even the most brilliant strategy faces failure if it cannot be explained clearly and concisely.   操作提示:正确选T,错误选F。 1. The final goal of the strategic planning process is a strategic plan.回答TF未回答获得2.00分中的0.00分 2. A strategic plan is valuable if it is executed.回答TF未回答获得2.00分中的0.00分 3. There are four keys to successful implementation.回答TF未回答获得2.00分中的0.00分 4. A good strategy is likely to fall apart if without the input and feedback of the people responsible for executing on the strategy.回答TF未回答获得2.00分中的0.00分 5. Leadership's idea determines all.回答TF未回答获得2.00分中的0.00分反馈答案:1.F  2.T  3.F  4.T  5.F 解析:  1. 这是一道细节题。一般对于细节题,我们需要查找信息所对应的句子或者句群。此题信息对应文章第一段的第一句话,即“战略计划不是战略规划过程的最终目标”,所以选F。 2. 这是一道细节题。此题信息对应文章第一段的最后一句话,即“如果战略计划没有得以实施的话,其实它本身是毫无价值可言的”,所以选T。 3. 这是一道推断题。此题应对全文作出推断,文章中列举了三个关键因素,而不是四个,所以选F。 4. 这是一道细节题。文章第四段的最后一句话,所以选T。 5. 这是一道推断题。题干“领导意志决定一切”,从第四段的大意得出否定,所以选F。管理英语4
  • 领导归因理论认为,领导仅仅是人们对其他个体进行的一种归因结果 组织行为学
  • 11. 闭式蜗杆传动的主要失效形式是 ____。   A、点蚀   B、胶合   C、轮齿折断   D、磨损中石油
  • (3)配送在物流管理中有何作用?配送中心运营管理
  • 自我开放的含义是(   )。 A、 咨询师公开自己的困扰,让求助者分担 B、 咨询师谈出自己的经验,与求助者分享 C、 咨询师可以在咨询过程中进行自我调节 D、 借助于求助者的自我开放,咨询师可以自我开放中小学心理健康教育与实践