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 高等继续教育 / 儿科护理学


  • 题干二、完型填空(每空10分)。操作提示:通过题目中的下拉选项框选择恰当的词语补全填空。 Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go to their offices, factories or schools every day by train or by bus, even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and 回答arriveget togo正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 home later in the evening. One benefit of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London 回答withoutwithnear正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the 回答cityplacecountry正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 with a garden of his own. Then, in the country one can be free 回答out offromwithout正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 the noise and hurry of the town. Although one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or bused, one can sleep better at night, and, during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh clean air of the country. If one likes gardening, one can spend one's spare time digging, planting, watering and doing a lot of other jobs which are needed in the garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward of a person who has shared the secrets of 回答workingnaturegardening正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 .管理英语3
  • 2[单选题] 免征契税的期间是( ) A.对饮水工程运营管理单位为建设饮水工程而承受土地使用权 B.可以为编制企业的材料采购资金计划和劳动工资计划提供资料 C.可以为企业核定储备资金定额和考核储备资金转速度提供资料 D.可以说明企业费用的具体用途,有利于核算与监督产品消耗定额和费用预算的执行情况,有利于加强成本管理和成本分析会计学基础
  • 工程项目竣工验收以后,建设单位应支付工程款。错误正确工程项目管理(土木本)
  • 阴道穹隆按其位置分为前后左右四部分。其中后穹隆最深,与盆腔最低部位的直肠子宫陷凹紧密相邻,临床上可经此处穿刺或引流。妇产科学
  • 15[单选题] 下列不属于程序语言特性的是哪一个? A.心理特性 B.工程特性 C.系统特性 D.技术特性河南理工大学
  • Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _ _ _ _ _ . A、 which they are happening B、 they are happening C、 which they happen D、 they have happened大学英语