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 高等继续教育 / 妇产科学


  • 汽车电动后视镜不工作,应首先检查( ) 汽车电器设备构造与检修
  • 由于链传动不需要张紧力,故作用在轴上的载荷较小。   机械设计基础
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解 In the early days of the internet, many people worried that as people in the rich world embraced new computing and communications technologies, people in the poor world would be left stranded on the wrong side of a “digital divide.” Yet the debate over the digital divide is founded on a myth — hat plugging poor countries into the internet will help them to become rich rapidly. This is highly unlikely, because the digital divide is not a problem in itself, but a symptom of deeper, more important divides: of income, development and literacy. Fewer people in poor countries than in rich ones own computers and have access to the internet simply because they are too poor, are illiterate, or have other more immediate concerns, such as food, health care and security. So even if it were possible to wave a magic wand and cause a computer to appear in every household on earth, it would not achieve very much: a computer is not useful if you have no food or electricity and cannot read. Yet such Wand-waving — through the construction of specific local infrastructure projects such as rural telecenters — is just the sort of thing for which the UN's new fund is intended. This sort of thing is the wrong way to go about addressing the inequality in access to digital technologies: it is treating the symptoms, rather than the underlying causes. The benefits of building rural computing centers, for example, are unclear. Rather than trying to close the divide for the sake of it, the more sensible goal is to determine how best to use technology to promote bottom-up development. And the answer to that question turns out to be remarkably clear: by promoting the spread not of PCs and the Internet, but of mobile phones.英语阅读II
  • 中药炮制的目的是什么?中医药学概论
  • 区分流动性—非流动性项目法的基本特征,就是把资产负债表上的资产、负债按流动性的不同分为流动性项目和非流动性项目,对于前者按历史汇率折算,对于后者应按现行汇率折算。国家开放大学
  • 某公司聘请了甲、乙、丙、丁四位职工,在下列情形中,公司与劳动者解除劳动合同需要依照国家有关规定给予经济补偿的有 生活中的法律