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 高等继续教育 / 药物化学

  • ()第一次世界大战结束。中国近现代史纲要
  • Man's first real invention, and one of the most important inventions in history, was the wheel. All transportation and every machine in the world depend on it. The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most remarkable of all inventions, because there are no wheels in nature-no living thing was ever created with wheels. How, then, did man come to invent the wheel? Perhaps some early hunters found that they could roll the carcass of a heavy animal through the forest on logs more easily than they could carry it. However, the logs themselves weighed a lot. It must have taken a great prehistoric thinker to imagine two thin slices of log connected, at their centers by a string stick. This would roll along just as the logs did, yet be much lighter and easier to handle. Thus the wheel and axle came into being and with them the first carts. (1)The wheel is important because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .(2分)A、it was man''s first real invention B、all transportation depends on itC、every machine depends on it D、both B and C(2)The wheel is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .(2分)A、simpleB、complicatedC、strange D、unusual(3)It was remarkable of man to invent the wheel because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .(2分)A、it led to many other inventionsB、man had no use for it thenC、there were no wheels in natureD、all of the above(4)The wheel was probably invented by _ _ _ _ _ _ .(2分)A、a group of early hunters B、the first men on earthC、a great prehistoric thinkerD、the man who made the first cart(5)This selection says that the first wheel may have been a _ _ _ _ _ _ .(2分)A、round piece of stone B、heavy logC、piece of metal D、slice of log新发展英语综合教程(二)
  • 24、凡不涉及发行新股票或新债券的公司并购都可以被认为【 】 A. 股份收购 B. 现金收购 C. 股票互换 D. 票据收购投资学
  • [填空题] 数控机床的每个坐标轴各有一套独立的_____,以控制伺服电机按规定的要求运转。
  • [单选题] 按照国际惯例,称呼多人时,谁应放在首位( ). A.总统先生 B.总统夫人 C.女士们 D.先生们酒店服务礼仪
  • 图示悬臂梁截面A的弯矩值是ql2。土木工程力学(本)