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 河南成教 / 保险学

唯一的受益人先于被保险人死亡,紧接着被保险人死亡,则保险金应( )

A. 在受益人的继承人中均分


C. 作为遗产处理

D. 无条件的归受益人所有

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  • 我国于1998年又进行了机构改革,改革后的国务院原40个部门减为( )。a. 28b. 29      恭喜您回答正确!c. 30d. 31公共行政学
  • 典型风湿性心脏病、二尖瓣狭窄应具有下列X线表现:医学影像学
  • 赔偿权利人在诉讼中放弃对部分共同侵权人的诉讼请求的,其他共同侵权人对被放弃诉讼请求的被告应当承担的赔偿份额不承担连带责任。侵权行为法学
  • 题干阅读理解:根据上下文,补全对话内容(每题10分)。 操作提示:通过下拉选项框,选择答案。 A. it doesn't sound too complicated B. Then what about the qualifications of a franchisee C. Sure, what do you want to know D. Thank you very much for all the information E. could you tell me how long a franchise contract will last   Ada wants to do franchise business and turns to Bill for some information about franchise business.Ada: Hi, Bill. I am really interested in franchising opportunities. Would you be able to give me some advice?Bill: 回答ABCDE未回答正确答案是:C获得2.00分中的0.00分 ?Ada: Ok, first, what are the qualifications that a franchisor should have?Bill: Generally speaking, a franchisor should be a well-developed company with business resources such as a trademark, trade name and business model. Ada: 回答ABCDE未回答正确答案是:B获得2.00分中的0.00分 ?Bill: A franchisee should have the necessary funds, work goals and employees, etc. Ada: Yes, 回答ABCDE未回答正确答案是:A获得2.00分中的0.00分 . Would you please tell me something about the franchise fees?Bill: Ok. The fees for the franchise are an initial fee and a usage fee.Ada: Now, 回答ABCDE未回答正确答案是:E获得2.00分中的0.00分 ? Bill: In general, it is no less than three years. Then both the franchisor and the franchisee may talk about the conditions, and see whether the contact needs to be rewritten. Ada: 回答ABCDE未回答正确答案是:D获得2.00分中的0.00分 .Bill: My pleasure.反馈1.答案:C解析:上文Ada向Bill说明她对特许经营的机会很感兴趣,并询问Bill是否能给她一些建议。 Bill爽快答应了并问Ada要了解什么,所以答案是C。 2.答案:B解析:上文Bill回答了授予特许者所需的资质,Ada继续就特许经营者资质询问,所以答案是B。 3.答案:A解析:Ada听了Bill对特许者和特许经营者资质的解释后,感到有点复杂,所以答案是A。 4.答案:E解析:根据下文回答In general, it is no less than three years的推断,上文询问的应该是时间,所以答案是E。 5.答案:D解析:对于Bill耐心的解答,Ada自然要表示感谢,所以答案是D。商务英语4
  • 某工程由A、B、C三个施工过程组成,划分四个施工段,流水节拍分别为3d,3d,6d;组织异节奏流水施工,该项目工期为(     )。a. 21d  b. 48dc. 30d d. 20d建筑工程项目管理