1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 计算机应用基础
 高等继续教育 / 计算机应用基础

题型描述: 单选题
  • 结合实际谈谈学习思修课的意义和方法思想道德修养
  • 行政诉讼一审判决的基本形式是维持判决,撤销判决变更判决行政法学
  • 投资性房地产的后续计量模式有成本模式和公允价值模式,这两种模式不可以相互转换。( )。财务会计学
  • 8[单选题] 某测绘单位的《测绘资质证书》载明的业务范围为工程测绘,对于大地测量项目招标邀请,该单位正确的做法是 A.使用本单位《测绘资质证书》投标 B.借用其他单位《测绘资质证书》投标 C.不参与投标 D.从中标单位分包部分大地测量业务河南理工大学
  • 1. While the train _ _ _ _ _ _ (still move), a great many men suddenly jumped out. I thought that something terrible was happening, so I ran away.2. I’d rather you _ _ _ _ _ _ (give) me a new one instead of having the old one repaired as you did.3. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says by the end of next year he _ _ _ _ _ _ (plant) 2000.4. It is highly desirable that every effort _ _ _ _ _ _ (make) to reduce expenditure.5. It’s just struck midnight. It’s time we _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to bed.6. Don’t take his remarks too seriously. He was so upset that I don’t think he really _ _ _ _ _ (know) what he was saying. 7. Don’t you remember _ _ _ _ _ _ (meet) him at my house?8. It took me two hours _ _ _ _ _ _ (do) my homework.9.They believed that by using computers the production of their factory _ _ _ _ _ _ (increase) greatly.10. He is squatting beside a notice which _ _ _ _ _ _ (read) “No smoking”.大学英语语法
  • 群体进一步发展密切的群内关系,成员有一种强烈的群体认同感,同时也表现出内聚力,这是群众发展的哪个阶段? 组织行为学