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 高等继续教育 / 机械制造基础

题型描述: 单选题
机床主轴要求材料综合机械性能好,这时热处理应选择( )。( ) A.渗碳——低温回火 B.表面淬火——低温回火 C.淬火——低温回火 D.淬火——高温回火
  • 47、 Then the third grade note had opened the attack.A. Then the third grade teacher began to speak ill of him. B. Then the third grade note opened a way for him to be attacked. C. When the third grade note was opened , words of criticism could be found. D. When the third grade note was opened , words of criticism could be found.综合英语(二)
  • 重婚和有配偶者与他人同居的相同点和不同点分别是什么?婚姻家庭法学
  • 3、在销售和使用过程中发现产品缺陷而发生的由制造企业支付的一切费用的总和是()。 A. 外部故障成本 B. 内部故障成本 C. 鉴定成本 D. 预防成本质量管理
  • 如何一次性更改整个文档中的超链接样式?文字处理软件应用
  • 请概述英汉两种语言的主要区别,并举例说明或简单解释。英汉翻译
  • Courage is to life what broth is to soup means that courage is as important to life as broth is to soup.高级英语I