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 河南成教 / 水利工程施工






  • 下列文化属于中原史前文化二里头文化 裴李岗文化 汴梁文化 郑韩文化 仰韶文化地域文化(专)
  • 相对于其他工作而言,总务工作的最大不同或特点就在于它的服务性。( )正确错误幼儿园管理
  • 二期愈合应具备的条件是: A、 组织缺损少、创缘整齐、无感染 B、 组织缺损少、创缘不整齐、无感染 C、 组织缺损小、创缘不整齐、有感染 D、 组织缺损大、创缘整齐、无感染 E、 创缘不整齐、组织缺损大、有感染病理学
  • 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 00:00/01:35 Adel: Hi, I’m Adel. I’m sure you’re going to like it here. Let me show you around. Here’s the weight room. We’ve got the newest machines, and our instructors can show you how to use them. Peter: This is cool! Kenji: Yeah. I really need to 1 (1) lifting weights. Adel: And here is a cardio class . . . Peter: I’ve never tried cardio. It’s just 2 (2), isn’t it? Adel: Not really. Actually, they’re working harder than you think. Kenji: And cardio is very good for your 3 (3). Adel: It sure is. But you should do it at least three times a week if you want to be in good 4 (4). Peter: Well, I already 5 (5) three times a week. Adel: That’s terrific. Kenji: You also have boxing and yoga classes here, don’t you? Adel: Yes. I’ll give you a schedule of classes when we finish our tour. Now here’s our swimming pool. Peter: Wow! Look at that woman in the middle 6 (6). She’s really fast, isn’t she! Adel: Oh, yeah. That’s Ellen, one of our instructors. Kenji: I’d like to 7 (7) lessons from her! Adel: You’re not the only one. C’mon, I’ll show you the 8 (8) and the locker room. Adel: You know, if you want to join our gym, you ought to do it before the 9 (9) of the month. Kenji: Really? Why? Adel: Well, because we have a special 10 (10) for students this month. Let’s go to my office and I’ll tell you all about it.高级英语听说(1)
  • 安装工业管道与市政工程管网工程的界定:给水管道以厂区外墙处水表井为界;排水管道以厂区入口第一个污水井为界。 安装工程估价
  • 21[填空题] 马克思和恩格斯创立的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,为科学教育学的建立奠定了科学的______和______基础。油画(静物、 写生)