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 成人高等教育 / 工程经济技术

《担保法》规定,下列财产可以作为抵押的是( )。
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 头孢噻唑分子中所含的手性碳原子数应为药物分析
  • 假定所有变量均已正确定义,则下列程序段运行后y的值是(   )       int a=0,y=10;    if(a=0) y--;    else if(a>0) y++;    else y+=y; 高级程序设计语言
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解 While acting may run in the family, it wasn’t Angelina Jolie’s only choice when thinking about her future. Although Jolie has studied her craft(技艺)since childhood, at one point the 26-year-old, who stars this month in Tomb Raider with her father, actor John Voight, wanted to be a funeral(殡葬)director. “I thought that the crossing over could be a beautiful thing and a time of comfort when people could reach out to each other. ” Tradition(传统)is always attractive and interesting to Jolie, who moved with her mother, Marcheline Bertand, and brother after her parents separated when she was two. “I never had one home. I never had an attic(阁楼)that had old things in it. We always moved, so I was never rooted anywhere. And I always dreamed of having that attic of things that I could go back and have a look. I’m very drawn to some things that are tradition, that are roots, and I think that may be why I paid such special attention to funerals. ” Finally, she chose acting. “Following in my father’s footsteps, ”she says, “is an interesting thing, because I think we speak to each other through our work. You don’t really know your parents in a certain way, and they don’t really know you. So he can watch a film and see how I am as a woman, the way I’m dealing with a husband who’s been hurt, or the way I’m crying alone. ” “And it’s the same for me: I can watch films of his and just see who he is. I’ve learned to understand him as a person. ”高级英语I
  • 4[单选题] 小钢筋混凝土受弯构件裂缝宽度的主要措施是 A.增大钢筋的直径 B.用III级钢代替II级钢 C.增加钢筋面积 D..降低混凝土强度等级建筑构造
  • 试述卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转的诊断依据是什么?妇产科学
  • 《民用建筑设计通则》将建筑耐久年限分为( )。高层建筑施工