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A City That’s Doing SomethingRight
There’s good news and bad news about life in moderncities—first, the bad. People who study population growthpredictanightmare by the year 2025: theglobalpopulation will be more than eightbillion, and almost four billion of these people will be living in cities indeveloping countries such as India and Nigeria. Population growth is alreadycausing unbelievable overcrowding. Due to this overcrowding, many cities haveproblems with air pollution, disease, and crime.
People spend hours ingridlock—that is, traffic so horrible that it simply doesn’t move—when theycommute daily from their homes to their work and back. There isn’t enoughwater, transportationor housing. Many people don’t haveaccessto health services or jobs. Now the good news: in some cities, instead of worsening, urban life is actuallygetting much better.
A City and Its Mayor
It might not be a surprise tofind that life in affluent cities is improving. But what about cities that aren’trich? The city of Curitiba, Brazil, proves that it’s possible for even acity in a developing country to offer a good life to its residents.The former mayor of Curitiba for 25 years, Jaime 5 Lerner is an architect and avery practical person.Under
his leadership, the city planners establisheda list of priorities— in other words, a listof what was most important to work on. They decided to focus on the environmentandon the quality of life. With an average income of only about $2,000 per personper year, Curitiba has the same problems as many cities. However, it also hassome creative solutions.高级英语阅读(2)