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 国家开放大学 / 人文英语4




Liu Hui interviews Dr. Smith about the issue of educational inequality.

Liu Hui: Thank you, Dr. Smith, for agreeing to be interviewed by our Campus News Weekly. First, what do you mean by educational inequality?

Dr. Smith: Educational inequality is the disparity that certain students experience in their education as compared to other students. But the meaning of it varies in different social contexts.

Liu Hui: Why does it exist in modern society? 

Dr. Smith: Well, researchers link educational inequality to socioeconomic, racial and geographic reasons.

Liu Hui: So it is very likely that educational inequality exists in different forms in different countries. 

Dr. Smith: Yeah, you are right. For example, in the United States, although skin color is linked to other forms of inequality, it is evident in education.

Liu Hui: Educational inequality exists in China, too. For example, the college entrance rate is much higher in Beijing than in other provinces. How do you think can we someday eradicate the inequality?

Dr. Smith: It's impossible to answer such a big question in few words. Educational inequality has become one of the most important political and social issues in every nation nowadays. There have been numerous attempts at reforms and.....

1. Well, researchers link educational inequality to


A. socioeconomic, racial and educational reasons
B. racial, economic and geographic reasons 
C. racial, socioeconomic and geographic reasons

2. According to the passage,

A. in the United States, skin color is linked to other forms of inequality, but not in education
B. in the United States, skin color is only linked to the form of inequality in education
C. in the United States, skin color is linked to the inequality in education

3. Educational inequality exists in

A. China only
B. many countries
C. all the countries

4. What does the word “eradicate” mean in the passage?


A. get rid of
B. cope with
C. carry out

5. What's the attitude of Dr. Smith to the future of education equality?


A. reserved
B. positive
C. negative


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