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 国家开放大学 / 公共部门人力资源管理

监督属于激励中的负向激励,是对激励制度的逆向强化,也是促进激励机制良性运行的保障机制。( )

  • 对于无明显屈服点钢筋,设计时取(   )作为强度设计值的依据。 A、 条件屈服点 B、 极限抗拉强度 C、 极限抗压强度 D、 屈服强度混凝土结构设计原理
  • 根据写作要求,参考写作提示和写作范例,到论坛中完成写作练习。 写作要求 Think of some experience you have had, something which have left very deep impression on you, or some people you have met, from whom you have learned some lessons. Write a short passage about this experience. 写作提示 For this kind of writing, what you need to work on is just your memory. You need to try to remember some experience which has touched your heart and soul. Before you write, don't forget to describe the small details that can show people's personality or characteristics. Also, remember, you are going to tell people something in order to move them as well.综合英语(1)
  • 领导者的()是保证领导效能的关键因素,领导者必须具备它才可能完成领导过程。 行政领导学
  • 04.下列关于地基基础设计相关说法有误的一项是(   ) 地基基础
  • 劳动保障行政部门自受理工伤认定申请之日起( )日内作出工伤认定的决定。 专业证书课程
  • 2019年12月31日,某公司“应收票据”总账科目借方余额100万元,与应收账款有关的“坏账准备”明细科目贷方余额为10万元,与应收票据有关的“坏账准备”明细科目贷方余额为5万元。不考虑其他因素,2019年12月31日该公司资产负债表中“应收票据”项目的金额为( )万元。 初级会计实务