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 国家开放大学 / 药事管理与法规

药品监督管理技术支撑机构是药品监督管理的重要组成部分,为药品行政监督提供技术支撑与保障。具体包括以下部门( )。
  • 根据写作要求,参考写作提示和写作范例,到论坛中完成写作练习。 写作要求 Think of some experience you have had, something which have left very deep impression on you, or some people you have met, from whom you have learned some lessons. Write a short passage about this experience. 写作提示 For this kind of writing, what you need to work on is just your memory. You need to try to remember some experience which has touched your heart and soul. Before you write, don't forget to describe the small details that can show people's personality or characteristics. Also, remember, you are going to tell people something in order to move them as well.综合英语(1)
  • 班级是促进学生实现个体社会化的最重要的社会单位。学校与社会
  • ______是定位误差 A、 端面圆跳动 B、 对称度 C、 平行度 D、 平面度互换性与技术测量
  • A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ get off?B: Get off at the post office. A、 Where should I B、 What should I C、 Can you tell me where to D、 Can you tell me what to大学英语1
  • 【判断题】我国招标投标法规定,开标应由中介机构主持。(     ) 工程招投标概论
  • 委托人将会计报表与审计报告一同提交给使用人可以减少编报单位对会计报表的真实性、合法性所负的责任。 审计学原理