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37. 有的对象,输入作用发生变化后,被控变量不能立即而迅速地变化,这种现象称为滞后现象
  • 导入技能是一种小学教学技能
  • 1. I _ _ _ _ _ (listen) to the radio when you rang the bell the first time, and that’s why I did not hear you.2. If you _ _ _ _ _ not (tell) Jackie what I said, everything would have been all right.3. He will be giving lectures on the tour. By the end of the tour he _ _ _ _ _ _ (give) exactly the same lecture 50 times.4. It is necessary that every member _ _ _ _ (inform) himself of these rules.5. It is high time you _ _ _ (stop) doing this translation.6. Don’t take his remarks too seriously. He was so upset that I don’t think he really _ _ _ _ _ (know) what he was saying.7. Please remember _ _ _ _ _ _ (post) the letter for me.8. They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (catch) in a snowstorm on their way home last month.9. It took me two hours _ _ _ _ _ (get) my 3-year-old daughter to sleep10. My butterfly garden has a sign which _ _ _ (say) “Butterflies Welcome”.大学英语语法
  • 7. 法的形式又称法律渊源,指那些来源不同,因而具有法的不同效力意义和作用的法的外在表现形式。建设法规
  • “家庭成员有对家庭的影响力、控制权和支配权”是指家庭结构的社区护理
  • 32、被称为传统教学鼻祖的是                    。学前教育史
  • 三岁以下的孩子对自我的认识处在哪个时期( )实用心理学