1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 电力工程招投标
 高等继续教育 / 电力工程招投标

题型描述: 单选题
口头合同不具有的特点是( )
  • 2、Americans believe so much in moving ahead that they are _ 1 _ researching, experimenting and exploring. They treat time as if it _ 2 _ real — a precious resource. They budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it and charge for it. A foreigner’s first impression _ 3 _ the U.S. is that everyone is in a rush and often _ 4 _ pressure. City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention or elbowing others. Foreigners who miss smiles, brief conversations, or leisurely exchanges with strangers should not feel hurt by this. Americans value time so highly, they dislike anyone “wasting” it _ 5 _ an appropriate amount. New arrivals to the States will miss the custom of social talk during a business call because Americans generally _ 6 _ or enquire about their visitors professionally rather than socially. They start talking business very quickly; time is always ticking in their heads. They work hard at saving time _ 7 _ labor-saving devices so they communicate rapidly by fax, phone or email rather than through _ 8 _ contact. The impersonality of electronic communication has _ 9 _ to do with the significance of the matter _ 10 _ hand. 1. A. engaged to      B. committed to      C. devoted themselves to      D. contribute to 2. A. were           B. is               C. was                     D. are 3. A. in             B. on               C. of                      D. to 4. A. under          B. by               C. in                      D. on 5. A. on             B. to               C. in                      D. beyond 6. A. assess          B. assure            C. assume                 D. access 7. A. in             B. of                C. to                     D. through 8. A. personnel       B. personal           C. personality             D. impersonal 9. A. little           B. no                C. less                   D. least 10. A. of             B. to                C. at                     D. in英语(二)
  • 自喷系统中最不利喷头的压力为建筑给水排水
  • 30. ICMP报文是封装在IP数据报中进行传输的。网络技术基础
  • 甲公司应收乙公司货款23.4万元。由于乙公司财务困难,双方同意按20.4万元结清该笔货款。甲公司已经为该笔应收账款计提了2万元坏账准备。以下甲公司和乙公司的会计处理正确的是( )。高级财务会计
  • 名词解释 Meta分析临床药物治疗学
  • 甲对乙进行抢劫,甲的女友劝甲不要胡来,由于使用的是方言,乙没有听懂,反而认为甲的女友让甲杀人灭口,于是将甲和甲的女友均打成轻伤。对于乙的行为应该如何定性? 生活中的法律