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 成人高等教育 / 物业管理

  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 11、Sometimes people are cheated by dress. Once,a great scholar went to a party. As he was very simply _ _ 21 _ _ ,he could not go inside. So he returned home and put on his _ _ 22 _ _ clothes. He went back to the party and was given a warm reception. In the time of the dinner he did not eat but was talking to his clothes.The host came and asked what was _ _ 23 _ _ . The scholar told him what happened. Since he was admitted only _ _ 24 _ _ his dress,he was talking to his dress. The host regretted about it and asked for the pardon of the scholar. Though dress may be,to some extent(某种程度上), _ _ 25 _ _ to judge a person,that alone will not be sufficient.统考英语完型填空
  • 短语: 当代语法学研究
  • “学如弓弩,才如箭镞,识以领之,方能中鹄。”这句话告诉我们要(   ) 思想道德与法治
  • 10、We are from mainland China.统考英语句子翻译
  • 在Photoshop中,(    ),可以将如下图所示左边图像选区中的内容移动到右边的位置。 Photoshop图像处理
  • 68、如果我们想设置浏览器主页或清除历史记录,可以打开浏览器的“工具”菜单中的______。 A.windows update B.Internet选项 C.同步 D.管理加载项计算机统考