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 高等继续教育 / 公司财务

题型描述: 名词解释


  • 以下选项中不属于电力系统一次设备的是( )。A、发电机 B、变压器 C、输电电路 D、继电保护电力系统继电保护
  • 开展翻转课堂的三个基本条件是( )A、教学活动B、微课视频C、网络教学环境D、协作学习信息技术及教育应用
  • 光从一种媒质传播到另一种媒质,透射角可能( ) 入射角A、等于B、大于等于C、小于D、小于等于E、大于光纤通信
  • 材料吸水后,将使(    )降低。 建筑材料
  • 掉期率报价法是()(A) 即期外汇交易的报价法 (B) 远期外汇交易的报价法 (C) 外汇期货交易的报价法 (D) 外汇期权交易的报价法国际金融
  • 3、A young man goes into a shop. He wants to buy a watch. He sees a watch that he likes, but the man in the shop _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ ninety pounds for it. At that time a boy comes into the shop, takes the watch out of the man's _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ and runs out. When the man in the shop runs out into the street, the boy is already among the people. The young man goes _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ . At the next corner he sees the boy with the stolen watch _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ his hand. “Would you like to buy a fine watch, sir?” he says in a low voice. “It is only fifty pounds.” The young man pays at once, and goes back to his room. His friend takes a look _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ the watch and says, “This watch isn't worth even ten pounds. I think that they planned this together.” When he hears this, the young man is very disappointed.统考英语完型填空