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 国家开放大学 / 经济预测

敏感度分析的目的是( )。



  • 抗震设计时,对节点核心区的抗剪承载力有特殊规定与限值,以保证节点的可靠性。 计算机辅助设计
  • 平移视图是将对象与视图一同进行移动,对象的坐标位置虽然被改变,但其整体位置仍没有变化。正确错误土木工程CAD
  • 内脏感觉主要是 生理学(临床)
  • Section I New words II. Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3points each) areas global policy technology created infrastructure priority economic protectionist require It may sound as if the situation is hopeless for developing countries ever to have a competitive edge in global trade — but perhaps not. East Asia, for example, has found far more economic success than Africa has. The key to success seems to lie in each government’s economic policy. Malaysia and Thailand have the same tropical climate as many African countries, but their economies — unlike those of Africa — are growing fast. The reason? Their governments have created an economic climate in which people can move from agriculture to manufacturing. Geography is not the terrible obstacle to manufacturing that it is to farming. To help new entrepreneurs, these governments pay careful attention to infrastructuresuch asareas (harbors, railroads, and so on) and telecommunication. In other countries, such as India, information technology (infotech) is driving the economy in some cities. Computertechnologydoesn’t depend on geography, but it doesrequire educated workers. Therefore, education must be apriority. In addition, governments of developing countries must work with developed countries and persuade them to drop protectionist policies. Clearly, it is possible for government policy to prepare a path out of poverty in even poor countries.高级英语阅读(2)
  • 对于变极距式电容传感器,两极板间初始距离减小,可以使传感器灵敏度减小。 传感器与监测技术
  • 10[填空题] 室内给水管道尽可能呈()走,一般与墙、梁、柱()建筑设备