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 成人高等教育 / 市场营销

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  • 组织是一个纵横交错的权责体系,构成组织权责体系的三大要素为______________。 行政组织学
  • 教育策划等同于教育决策与教育计划。 现代教育管理
  • 题干正误判断James Bush 35 West 9 Avenue Pensacola, FL23506 P: (03) 86661234 M: 0651 222555 E: james.bush@hotmaill.com.us. [Date] Nick C. Brown Hiring Manger Saint Louis Mental Health Service 16 Mary Street River Dale, IL 566077 Dear Mr. Brown, I wish to apply for the position of Social Worker as advertised on seek.com.au. Please find my resume attached. For almost two years I have worked as Mental Health Case Manager for Truecare and their Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative. During the time I have proven my ability to work with an interdisciplinary team, and also developed interpersonal skills and strong professional relationships with clients, including individuals, families and community groups. In my work I have acquired a thorough understanding of the Mental Health Act of 2014 in relation to social work. My duties have included providing psychosocial support to clients, in the form of one-on-one counselling as well as group therapy; developing and overseeing treatment plans for clients; advising family caregivers; and consulting with doctors, therapists and medical professionals. I was awarded with the New Employee Achievement Award for my work on a difficult case in 2015. My strong verbal and written communication skills have been well utilized in this role and I have also demonstrated solid organizational skills in my case management. I have a strong desire to make a positive difference in people's lives and I believe I would be an asset to St Paul's Hospital if given the opportunity. If you require more information please contact me at the phone numbers above. I am available for interviews and hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely James Bush   1. James has almost two-year experiences of social work.回答TF未回答正确答案是:T获得2.00分中的0.00分 2. James provides psychosocial support to clients, in the form of group therapy.回答TF未回答正确答案是:F获得2.00分中的0.00分 3. James does not give advice to family caregivers.回答TF未回答正确答案是:F获得2.00分中的0.00分 4. James's strong verbal and written communication skills have been well used in this position.回答TF未回答正确答案是:T获得2.00分中的0.00分 5. James believes he would be a valuable staff to St Paul's Hospital if given the opportunity.回答TF未回答正确答案是:T获得2.00分中的0.00分人文英语4
  • 3、异步传输方式ATM是哪两种方式的结合( )计算机网络工程
  • 《国际海运危险货物规则》中对于危险货物包装的基本要求包括( )。物流法规
  • 职业生涯机会评估主要应考虑( )。心理健康教育概论