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 成人高等教育 / 三维动画制作

  • A、正确
  • B、错误
  • 企业家不仅关注公众利益,还关注社会的利益创新创业:理论实践与应用
  • 刘某系甲有限责任公司的董事兼总经理,该公司主要经营计算机销售业务。任职期间,刘某代理乙公司从国外进口一批计算机并将其销售给丙公司,甲公司得知后提出异议。本案应如何认定和处理? ( )(A) 刘某的行为与甲公司无关,甲公司无权提出异议 (B) 刘某违反竞业禁止义务,其代理乙公司与丙公司签订的销售合同无效,所进口的计算机应由甲公司优先购买 (C) 刘某违反竞业禁止义务。但这并不影响销售合同的效力,由这笔买卖所得的收益应当归甲公司所有 (D) 刘某违反竞业禁止义务。但这并不影响销售合同的效力,也不影响他由这一买卖所得的收益,仅存在被罢免的可能性商法学
  • 57. Water _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the digestive juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food. A、A) makesB、B) causesC、C) pushesD、D) turns学位英语(1)
  • 下列属于承诺的是( ) 合同法原理与实务
  • 19、The wheel was one of man's first invention and yet it has also proved one of the most useful. So wide and varied are the uses of wheels, in machines and vehicles of all kinds, that it is difficult to imagine what the world would be like without them. It is surprising to hear it said, therefore, that the wheel's importance will perhaps be greatly reduced by the end of the century by an invention so new as to be still unnamed. The invention is a machine that floats above any surface on a cushion (垫子) of air. The cushion is formed when air is blown into the bottom of the machine. This part is shaped like a saucer turned upside down. If air is blown into this saucer, the machine rises to a height that may vary from a few inches to a few feet. Industry is already using one form of the invention to deal with heavy loads. It can lift them with ease and since there are no wheels, and therefore no friction, they can be put into motion with the touch of a finger. The new invention, however, is having a great effect on transport. Not only does it make expensive road systems unnecessary, but it enables vehicles to travel equally well over land or water. This unique ability to reach most destinations has given rise to the prediction that wheeled vehicles may be as uncommon at the end of the century as airplanes were at the beginning.统考英语阅读理解
  • 已知物体的主俯视图,正确的左视图是( )。搜索复制(A)(B)(C)(D)工程制图