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 河南成教 / 当代文学

  • 对于视觉障碍者而言,面积过大的导向标志不便掌握和理解。正确错误城市轨道交通车站设备
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解Basketball is perhaps the only sport whose exact origin can safely be stated. During the winter of 1891—1892, Dr. James Naismith, a college instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, invented the game of basketball in order to provide exercise for the students between the closing of the football season and the opening of the baseball season. He attached fruit baskets overhead on the wall at opposite ends of the gymnasium. He organized nine-man teams to play his new game, using a soccer ball. What the players did was to throw the ball into one basket and keep the other team from tossing the ball into the opposite basket. There have since been many changes in the rules. For example, the number of players on a team has been reduced to 5. But the game is basically the same today. Americans introduced it to the Philippines in 1900 and to Europe during World War I. Being adopted by foreign countries, it soon became a worldwide sport. It is interesting that although basketball was created as an indoor game, in countries other than the United States, it is now played almost entirely outdoors. (190 words)1、 For what purpose was the game of basketball invented? A. To provide exercise for the students who don’t play baseball. B. To provide exercise for the students who don’t play football. C. To provide exercise played in between the football and baseball season. D. To provide exercise played at the opening of the baseball season. 2、 When did basketball start? A. In the early 18th century. B. In the early 19th century. C. In the late 19th century. D. In the late 18th century. 3、 How many players did a team have when basketball was first played? A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 9 4、 Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Basketball was begun earlier in Asia than in Europe. B. Basketball was first played with a soccer ball. C. There have been many changes in the rules since the game was invented. D. Basketball was invented by a soccer player. 5、 What can’t we learn from the passage? A. Basketball has replaced soccer as a popular sport in the world. B. Basketball is played mostly outdoors outside of the U.S. C. Basketball is not played outdoors in America. D. Basketball was invented as an indoor game.统考英语A
  • 77[单选题] 对于一个绝热不可逆过程,其熵变可以设计一个()来计算 A.绝热过程 B.等压过程 C.等温过程 D.可逆过程化工热力学
  • [填空题] 城镇体系的共同特征是:()、()和()。城市地理学
  • 句类是根据句子语气划分出的类别,包括( )。A、陈述句B、祈使句C、疑问句D、感叹句现代汉语
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