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  • 28、When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, but she worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used to bring home all the new stamps as soon as they were issued (发行). On the day of the World Cup football final in London in 1966, we were very excited because England were playing West Germany in the final. When we were having lunch, my mother told us to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell us why. At 2 o'clock my mother went back to work as usual, while the rest of the family were watching the football on TV at home. Although she wasn't watching the match, she was listening to it on the radio. England won 4:2 and so my brothers and I ran to the post office. As we burst in, my mother was standing behind the counter. She was waiting to sell us a very special limited edition with ENGLAND WINNERS on each stamp. We were over the moon. We still have it today,and perhaps it is worth a lot of money.统考英语阅读理解
  • 一般柔性系统的组成不包括以下哪项。A.计算机控制系统B.加工系统C.设计系统D.物料系统先进制造技术
  • 在共同体内取消成员国之间商品的关税和限额,使商品得以自由流通,而对成员国之外的第三国实行共同关税税率,称为( )(A) 自由贸易区 (B) 共同市场 (C) 关税同盟 (D) 经济和货币联盟国际金融
  • 人体内嘌呤核苷酸分解代谢的主要终产物是: A、 A、 尿酸 B、 B、 尿素 C、 C、 肌酐 D、 D、 尿苷酸 E、 E、 肌酸生物化学与分子生物学
  • 47、在Outlook中设置惟一电子邮件帐号:kao@sina.com,现成功接收到一封来自shi@sina.com的邮件,下列说法正确的是______。 A.在收件箱中有kao@sina.com 邮件 B.在收件箱中有shi@sina.com 邮件 C.在本地文件夹中有kao@sina.com 邮件 D.在本地文件夹中有shi@sina.com 邮件计算机统考
  • 3. 《定风波》这首词抒发了词人什么样的感情?大学语文