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 河南成教 / 河南理工大学


All of us can change our behaviour to fit different situations.We are often noisy at weddings and sympathetic at funerals.Our table manners are not the same at a picnic as in a restaurant.When speaking with people,we feel free to interrupt close friends but tend to listen to our employers until they finish.If we don’t make such adjustments(调整),we are likely to get into trouble.     From one point of view,language is behaviour;it is part of the way we act.And like every other kind of behaviour,it must be adjusted to fit different contexts or situations where it is use

For instance,among people who are used to a writing system,there is one adjustment everyone makes:they speak one way and write another way.Speakers can stop in the middle of a conversation and repeat themselves if they sense that they are being misunderstood;writers often go back over their writing to see that it is clear,which is,however,before the communication occur.Once writers have passed their writing to someone else,they cannot change it.     Speakers can use intonation(语调),stress(重音),and pauses to help make their meaning clear.A simple sentence like “John kept my pencil” may mean,by a shift in the stress and intonation patterns,either John rather than someone else kept the pencil,or John kept rather than just borrowed the pencil,or it was a pencil rather than anything else that he kept.Writers,on the other hand,have their special tools of various punctuation(标点) marks,capitals,italic(斜体) letters,and so on.Skillful writers could also change the word order of a sentence.So“Cindy only had five dollars” could be turned into “Cindy had only five dollars” to mean Cindy had no more than five dollars,or into “Only Cindy had five dollars” to mean nobody but Cindy had five dollars. 1.The main purpose of the first paragraph in this passage is to _______.  

summarize the passage  

introduce the topic of the passage  

use examples to illustrate the first sentence of the paragraph  

use examples to illustrate the last sentence of the paragraph

2.According to Paragraph 1,we must adjust our behavior because _______.  

we should appear happy at weddings and sad at funerals  

we should listen to our employers more than to our friends  

our manners should be different in different places  

our behavior should be acceptable to others around

3.Language as mentioned in Paragraph 2 is considered _______.  

a kind of behavior  

an act found in all situations  

an adjustment everyone makes  

both spoken and written 4.According to Paragraph 2,speakers and writers differ mainly in _______.  

the amount of time they spend on the communication  

the number of times they stop while communicating  

how they can make sure that they are not misunderstood  

when they decide to begin the communication

5.According to Paragraph 3,speakers can use such tools as _______ to make their meaning clear.  

intonation patterns and word order  

stress patterns and word order  

pauses and punctuation marks  

pauses and shifts in stress patterns

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