>> 成人高等教育 / 生理学(影像)
成人高等教育 / 生理学(影像)
- A、
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29、In earlier days few people read Whitman's poems. One person who did read them was Abraham Lincoln who was then a country lawyer. He liked the strength and honesty of Whitman's words. He often read them to visitors in his office. Whitman didn't know Lincoln, but he wrote a long article about slavery. Whitman was against slavery. He wanted to see a new kind of president, not a professional politician, but an ordinary working man. This man would be wise, healthy and middle-aged. He would have a beard. Whitman didn't know it, but he was describing Lincoln. Before he was a lawyer, Lincoln worked with his hands. He was wise, healthy and middle-aged, and he had a beard.
In 1860 Abraham was elected the president of the United States. In March 1865, Whitman was in Washington. Abraham Lincoln became president for the second time. Whitman watched the ceremony. The two men had never met but they had seen each other. Washington was very hot in summer. Sometimes Lincoln went outside the city. He passed Whitman's house on the way. He and Whitman often nodded to each other.
Early in April the civil war ended. But on April 13 someone shot President Lincoln, and on 14 Lincoln died. To Whitman it was like the death of a friend. He loved Lincoln so much. He wrote a poem to express his feelings about the death of the president. It was one of his saddest and most beautiful poems.统考英语阅读理解 11、多媒体计算机中除了通常计算机的硬件外,还必须包括四个硬部件,分别是______。
B.CD-ROM﹑MODEM ﹑视频卡﹑传真机
C.CD-ROM ﹑音频卡﹑电缆﹑音箱
D.CD-ROM﹑音频卡﹑视频卡﹑音箱计算机统考 下列关于计算机外存储器的说法不正确的是 ( ) (A) .外存的数据不能直接被 CPU 使用 (B) .外存的数据只有调入内存才能进行处理 (C) .外存包括磁盘、磁带等磁性介质,光盘不属于外存 (D) .硬盘与软盘相比,容量大,存取快,但携带不方便现代教育技术 30、在Word 2010中,快速访问工具栏上打开已有文档的快捷按钮名是______。
D.工具计算机统考 不同性质的税种以及不同情况的纳税人,其纳税期限不同。下列不属于纳税期限觉得因素的是( )。 税务会计 地下茎单轴型的植物是( );得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年12月25日 22点12分 园林树木学