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 河南成教 / 城市景观规划与设计


A. 大中型乔木

B. 小乔木

C. 灌木

D. 花卉
  • 13[论述题] 儿童焦虑的特征,预防大学生心理健康教育
  • 5[单选题] 对砌筑砂浆的技术要求不包括(  )。 A.粘结性 B.保水性 C.强度 D.坍落度建筑施工技术(二)
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  • 题型描述: 阅读理解The atmosphere is a blanket of gases around the Earth. For thousands of years these gases have kept the planet’s temperature at about 15oC. But now, because of pollution, there are more and more hot gases put into the atmosphere. This means the Earth is getting hotter. A greenhouse becomes hot for the same reason. It’s a glass that lets the sun’s heat pass through, then stop some of it from leaving. That’s why scientists call the problem of the Earth’s rising temperature “the Greenhouse Effect”. Scientists agree that the Greenhouse Effect will add between 1.5oC-4oC to the Earth’s temperature by 2030. This will change the weather everywhere. Then there is the problem of food. When the climate changes there will be less food in the world. At the moment areas like the Midwest of America and central Russia grow a lot of wheat. In the future that may change when the USA and Russia become too dry for farming. Other countries will become wetter, but that won’t help. The soil won’t possible to grow the same amount of food as before. We can’t stop the Greenhouse Effect. However, we can slow it down if we use less fossil fuel, protect rain-forest, use more natural energy from the sun, the sea and wind.1.It is indicated in the passage that _ _ _ _ _ _ .A. the temperature of the earth will never changeB. the Greenhouse effect is not common in the worldC. we should use more fossil fuelD. the earth is becoming hotter and hotter2.What is the cause of the Greenhouse Effect according to the passage?A. The rising temperature of the Earth.B. More wheat in America and central Russia.C. More hot gases.that were put into the atmosphere.D. More and more glass-made houses.3.According to the passage , which temperature is suitable for the Earth?A. Above 15oC.B. About 15oC.C. 1.5oC — 4oC.D. Above 4oC.4.What can we do to slow down the Greenhouse Effect?A. Protect rain–forest..B. Use more natural energy from the sun , the sea and wind.C. Use less fossil fuel..D. All of the above.5.The best title for the passage is _ _ _ _ _ _ .A. Solution to Pollution of the EarthB. Solution to the Energy CrisisC. How to Protect Our EarthD. The Greenhouse Effect专科英语I
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