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 国家开放大学 / 政治学原理


  • 12.冲击法、回弹法和推出法既可以用于砌块抗压强度的检测,也可以用于砂浆抗压强度的检测。 建筑结构试验
  • (A)0.15(B)0.2(C)0.8(D)1[参考答案:B]  分值:4得分: 分 尤政威批改于2020年6月16日 23点57分 概率论与数理统计
  • 行道树一般要求主干高()(A) 2.5--3.5m (B) 1.8-2.0m (C) 1.2-1.5m (D) 4m以上观赏树木与栽培学
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations - the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.1、 The origin of language is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. a legend handed down from the past B. a question difficult to answer C. a matter that is hidden or secret D. a problem not yet solved 2、 By "association" in the last paragraph, the author means _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. a strange feature B. an appearance which is puzzling C. a special quality D. a joining of ideas in the mind 3、 What is true about words? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. They are simply sounds. B. They are used to express feelings only. C. They can not be written down. D. They are mysterious. 4、 The real power of words consists in their _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. peculiarity B. properties C. representative function D. characteristics 5、 Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. His style is always charming. B. He can convey his ideas in words which sing like music. C. He can move men to tears. D. He is no more than a master of words.统考英语A
  • 1.述流体运动的两种方法是什么?简述其内容。流体力学
  • 对于共阴极数码管显示器,为使得数码管不显示任何内容,应在段码线上输入      。 单片机原理及应用