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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

  • 35、UDP的全称是_________。 A.传输控制协议 B.文件传输协议 C.用户数据报协议 D.超文本传输协议计算机统考
  • ______是指以少数的学生为对象,在较短的时间内,尝试做小型的课堂教学,并把这种教学过程摄制成录像,课后再进行分析。(A) 对立与统一 (B) 吸引与排斥 (C) 积极与消极 (D) 合作与竞争 (E) 主体与客体教育心理学
  • “两个凡是”不符合马克思主义。 中国特色社会主义理论
  • 48、One day a policeman was taking a thief to the city police station. On their way they came to a shop where bread was sold. "We have no food. And we must eat something on the train." said the thief. "It's a long way to the city and it will take us much time to get there. I'll go into this shop and buy some bread. Then you and I can eat it on the train. Wait here for me." The policeman was glad, "I'll have some food on the train," he thought. "Be quick," he said to the thief. "We haven't much time." The thief went into the shop, and the policeman waited in the street for a long time. He began to worry. He thought about the train, and at last he went into the shop. "Where's that man who came in here to buy some bread?" asked the policeman. "Oh, he went out by the back door," said the shopkeeper. The policeman ran out but he could not see the thief. So he had to go back to his own station and tell the others about it. They were very angry with him, and he was very unhappy. All the police of the town began to look for the thief again, and they soon caught him. They brought him back to the police station and called the same policeman." "Now," said the officer, "take him to the city, and don't lose him again." The policeman and the thief left the station, and they came to the same shop. "Wait here," said the thief. "I want to go into that shop and buy some bread." "Oh, no," said the policeman. "You did that once, and ran away. This time, I'll go into the shop and buy the bread, and you must wait here for me."统考英语阅读理解
  • 49、- May I use my credit card here? - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.You can't. B.No one uses it. C.I am afraid you can't. D.Who told you?统考英语交际英语
  • 下列各种花卉中观赏部位主要是苞片的有()(A) 叶子花、花烛、火鹤 (B) 雁来红、千日红、一品红 (C) 马蹄莲、观音莲、凤眼莲 (D) 红掌、三角梅、文竹花卉学