>> 河南成教 / 微积分
[多选题] 假定有一个用户表,表中包含字段:userid (int)、username (varchar)、 password(varchar)、等,该表需要设置主键,以下说法正确的是
B. 此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最小性原则,最好采用userid作为主键。
C. 此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最小性原则,最好采用username和password作为组合键。
D.如果采用userid作为主键,那么在userid列输入的数值,允许为空数据库原理与应用 当我们遇到任何人时,都应当主动握手。(判断题)社交礼仪 【单项选择题】环境问题是没有地域边界的,在环境问题上,全球是一个整体,命运相连,休戚与共,这体现了环境伦理中的( )。正义原则合作原则公正原则权利平等原则人类发展与环境保护 1[阅读题]
An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left. Of course , when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles. My money has finished and my friends have gone, said the young man. What will happen to me now? Don't worry, young man, answered Nasreddin. Everything will soon be all right again. Wait , and you will soon feel much happier. The young man was very glad. Am I going to get rich again then? He asked Nasreddin. No, I didn't mean that, said the old man. I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends.26.An old man died and left his son____. A. nothing B. some gold C. much money D. only a house27. When the son was____, he went to see Nasreddin . A. short of money B. quite poor and sickC. in trouble D. quite poor and alone28.The young man was very glad because Nasreddin said that____. A. he would become rich again B. he would soon feel much happierC. he would become clever D. he would have more friends29.Nasreddin meant the young man____. A. would get rich again B. would get used to having nothingC. would get used to being in trouble D. would get out of poorness30.What this story tells us is___. A. that money is everything B. that money makes the mare goC. to save each penny D. that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends 英语 C(二) 5、国际保险市场惯例,投保金额通常在CIF总值的基础上 (分数:2 分)
A. 加一成
B. 加二成
C. 加三成
D. 加四成商业银行经营管理 17[填空题]
三相异步电动机常用的电气制动方法有 和能耗制动。电气控制及PLC