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 成人高等教育 / 经济法学

  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 年金是指一定时期内每期相等金额的收付款项,以年金形式出现的有()。A、折旧 B、租金 C、保险金 D、奖金 E、职工住房公积金公司理财
  • 40、在Word 2010编辑状态下插入文本框,应使用的选项卡是______。 A.插入 B.表格 C.编辑 D.工具计算机统考
  • 28、There are many misunderstandings about American Indian names. Crazy Horses, for example, was given to a man because he was courageous, not because he was mad. Indian families had no last names. The Sioux Indians give individuals three or four names. The first name was given at birth. It showed the order of a birth into the family. Wenonah, for instance, meant "firstborn daughter". The second name, the honor name, was given to the child by a medicine man. It usually referred to the fine character of good deeds of one of the child's ancestors. When he grew up, the person was expected to live up to this name. Otherwise, the person might not be called by it. The third name was the nickname. It usually referred to something odd that the person had done. It was hardly ever flattering(奉承). The fourth name came the deed name. It was given by a war chief after the person accomplished some good or extraordinary bravery. The name might be that of a fear-inspiring animal such as Bear or Buffalo or that of a noble bird, such as Eagle, Hawk or Owl.统考英语阅读理解
  • 48、Outlook配置一个新文件的大概步骤是______。 ①选择“文件”-“信息”下的“添加账户”,然后选中“电子邮件账户”,点击“下一步” ②选择“Internet”电子邮件选项并单击“下一步” ③输入用户信息、服务器信息、登录信息,然后可以单击“测试账户设置”进行测试 ④选择“手动配置服务器设置或其他服务类型”,点击“下一步” A.①②③④ B.②④①③ C.①④②③ D.①③②④计算机统考
  • 29、- Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please? - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.Who's there? B.Who's that speaking? C.Who are you? D.Who wants to speak to Mark?统考英语交际英语
  • 上课时,学生被突然飞进教室的小鸟吸引,这种心理现象是( )。(A) 无意注意 (B) 有意注意 (C) 随意注意 (D) 有意后注意小学儿童心理学