1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 心理健康与社会适应
 国家开放大学 / 心理健康与社会适应

下列不属于认知应对方式的是(   )。

  • Sometimes I wish _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ passing the math test like everyone else. 综合英语(3)
  • 当前比较流行的家庭结构治疗理论有三个不同于其他理论的观点有:( )a.个人问题是家庭问题,社会工作应该是以家庭为治疗单位b.家庭问题产生于家庭结构的不良和家庭交往方式的障碍c.多元化、多层次和现实主义是解决家庭问题的基本方法d.矫正青少年的价值观才可以解决问题青少年社会工作
  • 试题正文1.该患者有何种疾病?依据为何? A.慢性肝炎的病史    B.侧支循环的建立    C.腹水    D.肝硬化     E.全身症状  答:该患者的原发病为回答正确得分 1.00/1.00 分,其诊断依据为:①有回答正确得分 1.00/1.00 分;②回答正确得分 1.00/1.00 分:乏力,营养差,面容消瘦无光泽;③消化道症状:恶心呕吐,食欲不振,轻度黄疸;④鼻衄,贫血,血小板、红细胞、Hb减少;⑤回答正确得分 1.00/1.00 分:腹部饱满,有明显的移动性浊音;⑥回答正确得分 1.00/1.00 分,腹壁静脉曲张;⑦低蛋白血症,白蛋白减少,球蛋白增加,蜘蛛痣。病理生理学
  • 太平天国失败的根本原因是? 中国近现代史纲要
  • 每次议付后一定时期内开征行未提出停止循环使用的通知,则在下次时期开始起,就可自动恢复到原金额使用。这是()信用证。 国际结算
  • 试题正文二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。(共50分) Lilian Hanson, a college students, expects to graduate in about two years. What makes Mrs. Hanson different from her classmates is her age—73 years. She has been studying at college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years. When Lilian Hanson graduated from high school, she went to the bank to borrow money for the further education. The banker gave her no encouragement. He didn't think that a country girl should borrow money to go to college. He thought she should be at home doing work in the house or around the farm. So Lilian Hanson went home and raised a family of nine children instead of going to college. Mrs. Hanson never forgot her dream of getting a higher education. When her children were grown, she tried again. She finds the hardest part of going back to school at her age is to sit in class for long periods of time. Because she is not as quick as she used to be, Mrs. Hanson often gets up and walks around classes to keep from getting stiff (僵硬). At the beginning of a course in using the computer, the other students all stood up to give her a warm welcome when she introduced herself and explained why she was there and what her aims were.   操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。 1. Mrs. Hanson couldn't go to college immediately after she graduated from high school because回答ABC未作答得分 0.00/2.00 分.大学教育