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 河南成教 / 临床检验基础

  • 根据《个人所得税法》规定,特许权使用费所得适用20%的比例税率,并按应纳税额减征30%。( )税收理论与实务
  • [多选题] 下列民事关系中,应按照相邻关系处理的是 A.甲在乙的房屋后挖菜窖,造成乙的房屋基础下沉,墙体裂缝引起纠纷 B.甲开发商购得一块土地的使用权,欲建一露天餐厅,其与该土地相邻的乙约定,乙不得再露天餐厅,为此甲给予乙每年3万元的补偿 C.甲村在河流上游修建拦河坝,使乙村用水量剧减,引起纠纷 D.甲家与乙家相邻,甲家的猫闯入乙家,打碎乙家的花瓶,引起纠纷河南成教
  • 9[单选题] 某工程项目报告期需采购设备甲2台,设备乙1台。报告期、基期设备价格如下表所示,该工程报告期的设备价格指数为( )。 A.1 B.1.13 C.1.2 D.1.4安装工程概预算
  • 1[阅读题]  Nancy got a job as a secretary in a big company. She was going to work in the Sales Department. Monday was the first day she came to work. She was very excited and she arrived early at the office. She pushed the door open and was surprised to find a large bunch of fresh flowers on her desk. "Oh,how lovely! Somebody sent me flowers the very first day!" She thought happily. "But who could it be?"    The day passed quickly and Nancy did everything well.    And every Monday morning she came to her office,she would see a new bunch of flowers there. She still didn't know who sent these flowers.    One Tuesday afternoon,she was asked to hand in a plan to the general manager's office. Her eyes suddenly fell on these words on a piece of paper: "Keep the secretaries in high spirits; Send a bunch of fresh flowers to each secretary's desk on Monday morning." 1. Nancy got a job___________A. in the Sales Department in a small companyB. in the Production Department in a small companyC. in the Sales Department in a big companyD. in the Production Department in a big company2. On her first day of work, she ______.A. was asked to hand in a plan to the general managerB. arrived early at the officeC. got a bunch of flowers from his boyfriendD. brought a bunch of flowers to the office3.Nacy got a bunch of fresh flowers  _____A. only on the first day of work    B. every dayC. every week                                 D. every first of day of the month4. She         when she saw the flowers on her desk.A. felt happy yet surprisedB. wanted to find out who did itC. felt worried as she didn't know who did itD. thought it must be her friend's joke5. Finally Nancy found that it was__ who sent flowers to the secretaries.A. the head of the department    B. one of her male colleaguesC. the general manager          D. one of her friends 英语1
  • [填空题] 注射液的pH值一般应在(      )药剂学
  • 宪法是国家的根本大法,是制定其它法律、——的根本依据。A、规定B、法规C、文件D、政策教育政策与法规