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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

47、在Word 2010中,欲将插入点移到文档首部,应按的快捷键是______。
  • 15、下列关于Windows 桌面上图标的叙述中,错误的是______。 A.首次启动windows,桌面上至少会出现回收站图标 B.图标可以重新排列 C.图标不能删除 D.所有的图标都可以移动计算机统考
  • 名词解释 猩红热儿科护理学(护理本)
  • 摘要的分类主要有( )(A) 报道性摘要 (B) 指示性摘要 (C) 报道—指示性摘要毕业论文
  • 某人要到60千米外的农场去,开始他以5km/h的速度步行,后来又以速度是18km/h的拖拉机把他送到农场,总共用了5.5h,他步行了()(A) 15km (B) 20km (C) 25km (D) 30km小学数学教学论
  • ( )是将组成字符的各个比特按顺序逐位地在信道上传输。 A、 并行传输 B、 基带传输 C、 串行传输 D、 频带传输计算机应用基础
  • 14、I have been in London for two weeks. I don't speak English well at all. I have great difficulty in understanding people. In fact I don't catch a thing they say. I find their pronunciation is _ _ 21 _ _ strange for me to understand, and they speak _ _ 22 _ _ that I can't keep up with them. When I am on a bus, I ask the conductor something. He answers, but I don't understand. So he says it slowly in a high _ _ 23 _ _ , I still don't understand it. Then he gets angry and goes away. But I haven't lost heart. I still enjoy _ _ 24 _ _ English. I must keep on working hard _ _ 25 _ _ it. I believe I'll speak English well soon.统考英语完型填空