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  • (问答题) Directions: Fill the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.The Internet has made English learning much easier. English learners used to be (56)to spend their time in libraries looking for the books that would help them in their language studies. It was very inconvenient because a lot of materials could only be found in (57)and uninteresting textbooks and readers. But today authentic content on a variety of subjects is only a click away. This is especially (58)for those who wants to learn English earnestly.In order to achieve fluency in English, you need to be comfortable using at least at 10,000 words. The (59)materials on the Internet make it possible for you to choose appropriate content to read and listen to. These materials can be (60)to your level if you input some key words in the search engine. But how can you remember the (61)of unfamiliar words?In this case, the Internet (62)makes it easier to learn vocabulary. You can use online dictionaries to instantly find out their grammatical (63)and the specific meaning of these words. The Internet helps you to (64)accumulate vocabulary based on lively and interesting language content, which greatly reduces your (65)caused by inability to remember the new words. The efficiency of this vocabulary learning is one of the reasons why the Internet has become an ideal place to learn English.大学英语4
  • 11.面向新阶段,巩固农业基础地位,牢牢把握农业产业安全主动权,是实现更高质量现代农业发展的坚实基础。 形势与政策
  • 手工汇总中的折叠法简便易行,省时省力,但一旦出错需从头返工。统计学基础
  • [多选题] 下列哪些说法是走确的?( ) A.柔性约束的反力方向总是沿着绳索背离物体 B.固定铰支座不能发生转动 C.固定端支座可以发生转动 D.光滑面约束的反力方向总是沿着接触表面的公法线方向建筑力学(二)
  • 机电一体化的高性能化一般包含()。A、高速化B、高精度C、高效率D、高可靠性E、ABCD机械电子学
  • (单选题) 表示扭转变形程度的量( )。 A、是扭转角ψ,不是单位长度扭转角θB、是单位长度扭转角θ,不是扭转角ψC、是扭转角ψ和单位长度扭转角θD、不是扭转角ψ和单位长度扭转角θ工程力学