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Cyber Monday Clicks in with Record Sales

Cyber Monday rocked while mobile sales roared.
The day widely regarded as the Super Bowl of online sales created a record day for retailers, including Walmart, and marked a shift in shopping preferences as smartphones and tablets drove nearly a third of traffic — and for some retailers, more than half. 
Walmart.com expects to register its biggest Cyber Monday yet, coming off a record Black Friday weekend online. Heading into the afternoon Monday, the website had already sold out of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles, which weren't even discounted. Significant savings on TVs and tablets also encouraged shopping, says Joel Anderson, CEO of Walmart.com.
Retailers from Target to Sears are fast evolving Cyber Monday into something more akin to Cyber Week, as online deals stretch well beyond Monday.
As of 6 p.m. ET, sales on Amazon were up 44.3% over last year, while sales at eBay were up 32.1%, according to Channel Advisor, which tracks third-party sellers on eBay and Amazon. The online marketplaces are doing well in part because shoppers are heading to those sites to find popular products that are selling out at regular retailers, says Scot Wingo, CEO of Channel Advisor.
Flash-sale site Rue La La started Cyber Monday deals on Sunday with a “Cyberthon” that drew more than 350,000 people to the site. The sale promoted as much as 80% off on more than 150 brands. On Monday, sales of Cole Haan and Pandora Jewelry merchandise were strongest, CEO Steve Davis says.


1. Retailers used mobile devices and drove nearly a third of traffic, or even more than half to online shopping. As we know that doesn't belong to the mobile device.


A. tablets
B. smartphones
C. personal computer

2. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles were sold out on the afternoon Monday although they weren't even discounted.


A. eBay.com
B. Walmart.com
C. Amazon.com

3. According to sales on Amazon were up 44.3% over last year, while sales at eBay were up 32.1%.


A. Walmart
B. Rue La La
C. Channel Advisor

4. Cyber Monday deals on Sunday with a “Cyberthon” that drew more than people to the site.


A. 350,000
B. 35,000
C. 3,500,000

5. We can infer from the passage _ _ _ _ _ isn't an online retailer.


A. Sears
B. Channel Advisor
C. Walmart



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