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  • 假定消费者同样是购买一件价值100元的商品,请你分析该商场以上三种促销方式的应纳税情况及利润情况如何(城市维护建设税及教育费附加在计算时可暂时不考虑)?并帮助该商场做出决策。税收筹划
  • 题型描述: 段落翻译China’s Strong Economic Performance After a period of dramatic shifts in economic policy, China has decided on a stable and promising economic course. It is aimed at adjusting the pace of modernization to China's resource capabilities and its goal of major increases in employment, providing incentives for agricultural and industrial productivity; strengthening light, labor intensive industries, using technology to modernize and promote the technological transformation of existing industries; and removing bottlenecks imposed by energy and transportation constraints. In many of these areas, particularly agriculture, the results have been very positive. Food production is increasing rapidly. Modernization of industrial production is occurring throughout the country.英汉翻译(英语教育)
  • 如业主供应某项材料或代为缴纳某项规费,该材料费或规费应从( )中扣减。建筑工程概预算
  • 在栈中允许插入删除的一端称为栈顶错误正确数据结构(信息管理)
  • 我国公民的平等权不包括()。宪法学(专)
  • ()是中国社会历史发展过程中土生土长的一种宗教,至今已有1700多年的历史。 民族理论政策与自治法