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 高等继续教育 / 电子商务英语

electronic billing and payment system
electronic billing and payment system

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  • 题干阅读理解:根据文章内容,选择正确答案(每题10分)。 Emotions play an important part in the negotiation process, although it is only in recent years that their effect is being studied. Emotions have the potential to play either a positive or negative role in negotiation. During negotiations, the decision as to whether or not to settle rests in part on emotional factors. Negative emotions can cause intense and even irrational behavior, and can cause conflicts and negotiations to break down, but may be instrumental in attaining concessions. On the other hand, positive emotions often facilitate reaching an agreement and help to maximize joint gains, but can also be instrumental in attaining concessions. Positive and negative discrete emotions can be strategically displayed to influence task and relational outcomes and may play out differently across cultural boundaries. 1. Emotions play an important role during the negotiation, although their effect is being studied just 回答ABC未回答正确答案是:C获得2.00分中的0.00分. A. at the beginning of negotiation practice B. during the negotiation process C. not long before 2. Negative emotions may 回答ABC未回答正确答案是:A获得2.00分中的0.00分 make concessions. A. be helpful to B. be harmful to C. be nothing to 3. During negotiations, the decision as to whether or not to settle depends in part on emotional factors.回答ABC未回答正确答案是:B获得2.00分中的0.00分商务英语4
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  • 人们在反映现实现象的同时,还可能表现出对该现象的主观态度,从而在词的理性意义上增添了一层附加色彩,这种色彩是()语言学概论
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