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 国家开放大学 / 电子支付与安全

关于电子商务的说法错误的是(      )





  • 18、在文件树型目录结构中,从根目录到任何文件,路径有______。 A.三条 B.二条 C.唯一一条 D.不一定计算机统考
  • 11、Sometimes people are cheated by dress. Once,a great scholar went to a party. As he was very simply _ _ 21 _ _ ,he could not go inside. So he returned home and put on his _ _ 22 _ _ clothes. He went back to the party and was given a warm reception. In the time of the dinner he did not eat but was talking to his clothes.The host came and asked what was _ _ 23 _ _ . The scholar told him what happened. Since he was admitted only _ _ 24 _ _ his dress,he was talking to his dress. The host regretted about it and asked for the pardon of the scholar. Though dress may be,to some extent(某种程度上), _ _ 25 _ _ to judge a person,that alone will not be sufficient.统考英语完型填空
  • 新中国建立后,中国社会的性质是()(A) 社会主义社会 (B) 新民主主义社会 (C) 资本主义社会 (D) 具有社会主义和非社会主义两重因素的社会毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系
  • 【单选题】我国公务员制度的特点是(  )。 公务员制度讲座
  • 下列情形中构成非法经营罪的是( )(A) 甲公司生产、销售假药,销售金额巨大 (B) 乙图书公司明知是盗版图书仍然进行销售,违法所得数额巨大 (C) 丙公司倒卖窃取的商业秘密,违法所得数额巨大 (D) 丁公司未经国务院主管部门批准擅自经营证券业务,情节严重刑法学
  • 29. Mary never tells anyone what she does for a _ _ _ _ . A、 job B、 work C、 profession D、 living英语(二)