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 成人高等教育 / 工程制图基础



  • A、正确
  • B、错误
  • [单选题] There is no enough _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the corner to put the table A.place B.room C.floor D.ground成人英语2
  • 5、What is a museum? A museum is a good place to keep _ _ 21 _ _ and beautiful things. A museum may be a place to learn about science. A museum can be a place _ _ 22 _ _ art of Indians or animals. What is inside a museum? Some museums have old cars and airplanes. _ _ 23 _ _ museums have pictures and statues (雕像). Others have rocks and old bones. One museum even has a coal mine inside! Many cities have museums. Some very small towns have museums, _ _ 24 _ _ . Indianapolis has a children's museum. Children do not have to pay to get in. Children go to the museum often. They like to look at the dinosaur bones. They see a white bear ten feet tall. They go inside an old log cabin (小木屋). On Saturday, Indianapolis children can _ _ 25 _ _ talks about animals and trees. They see movies.统考英语完型填空
  • (单选题) They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ leave next Friday. A、  decided B、  decided to C、  decide大学英语2
  • 中国传统文化强调道德修养和道德教化,“三不朽”指的是( ) 思想道德与法治
  • 34、下列说法中,错误的是______。 A.一个Internet用户可以有多个电子邮件地址 B.用户通常可以通过任何与Internet连接的计算机访问自己的邮箱 C.用户发送邮件时必须经过自己的邮箱 D.用户发送邮件时不用经过自己的邮箱计算机统考
  • 依据规范,城市道路可分为 、主干路、次干路和 ______ , 它们之间的密度关系为 。(A) 车辆状况 (B) 驾驶员 (C) 乘客 (D) 其他条件交通工程学基础