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 国家开放大学 / 护理学基础

患者王某,54岁,中毒性痢疾,体温39 ℃,脉搏124次/分钟,血压80/50 mmHg,该患者最适宜的卧位是()。
a. 休克卧位
b. 头低脚高位
c. 平卧头偏向一侧
d. 侧卧位
e. 头高脚低位
  • 房地产市场分析中对原始数据的加工分析方法包括( )。工程经济学
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  • bzip2gzip和zip都可以对文件进行压缩。Linux操作系统
  • 统计调查中的调查单位与填报单位是一致的统计学
  • 题型描述: 段落翻译The continuous rapid economic growth in China's western regions will generate more investment opportunities for foreign companies in the are The rapid development over the past 20 years and more has laid down certain material and technological foundation in the western regions. This coupled with social stability and gradual shaping and improvement of the market economy system, has created a favorable market environment for the sustained and fast economic progress in the western regions. The Chinese government adheres to the guiding principle of development focusing on the expansion of domestic demand and it has integrated the expansion of domestic demand, economic restructuring, advancement of science and technology and promotion of opening up. As the Strategy of Developing the Western Regions is steadily pushed forward, the resource and economic advantages of the west will be brought into full play thus further raising the quality and level of its economic growth.英汉翻译(英语教育)