1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 会展管理概论
 高等继续教育 / 会展管理概论

题型描述: 多选题
展览有3个基本要素( )
  • 在货款已经支付但存货尚未运达企业的情况下,企业在支付货款时可先不进行会计处理。 中级财务会计
  • 题型描述: 段落翻译This is a conflict without battlefields, a conflict with opponents who believe they are invisible. Yet, they are mistaken. They will be exposed, and they will discover what others in the past have learned: Those who make war against justice have chosen their own destruction. Victory against terrorism will not take place in a single battle, but in a series of decisive actions against terrorist organizations and those who harbor and support them. We are planning a broad and sustained campaign to secure our country and get rid of the evil of terrorism. And we are determined to see this conflict through. Americans of every faith and background are committed to this goal.英汉翻译
  • 9、单个贮水箱容积≥0.6m3的太阳能热水系统热性能试验中,在试验开始前30min,启动贮水箱的混水装置进行混水,使贮水箱上下部水温差别在1℃以内。对于强迫循环系统,还应同时手动启动太阳能热水系统的循环泵。() A. 90min; B. 0.5℃60min; C. 0.5℃30min; D. 1℃10min;1℃太阳能热利用原理与技术
  • 4[单选题] 控制中心主要对采煤机的各种动作进行控制,确保采煤机的各种操作( ) A.准确无误 B.及时有效 C.准确合理 D.符合要求河南理工大学
  • 9[填空题] 单结晶体管从截止区转变为负阻区的转折点为(),该点的电压为()。电力电子技术
  • We regret our ____ to inform you of anything positive concerning the firm mentioned.经贸英语