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 高等继续教育 / 综合英语(二)


“It`s no use having a dog without teeth ,” they argue.

A. A dog without sharp teeth doesn`t frighten burglars away.
B. A gentle guard won`t be able keep trouble –maker away
C. Laws without legal effective force are useless.
D. It`s no use having principles that nobody respect.

  • 8. Doctors _ _ _ in every part of the world. 大学英语(二)
  • You can ( ) three meals in hospital.护理英语I
  • 当今地方政府管理方式主要的变化趋势是( )地方政府治理
  • 学生本人持有哪些成绩单,可以申请免修教学计划内相同的课程网上学习导论
  • 按生产法计算GDP的主要项目有(   )西方经济学(本)
  • 8.地下室是室内地平面低于室外地平面的高度超过室内净高的1/3,且不超过1/2的房间。( ) 建筑工程计量与计价