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 河南成教 / 化工热力学

纯物质临界点时,其对比温度Tr=( )
  • 期货交易方式是每日结算制每周结算制每月结算制无固定期限结算制投资分析
  • [名词解释题] 设计充满度给水排水管网系统
  • 10[综合题] 《中华人民共和国建筑法》 主要包括建筑市场管理、工程质量与安全、建筑活动监督管理等内容,其中涉及监理的内容有哪些?水利工程监理概论
  • 作出承诺的既可以是受要约人本人, 也可以是其授权代理人。( )错 对建设法规
  • II. Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3points each) ask for coming-of-age corporation guidance negotiations previous proposal regain rite of passage vision Dear Julio, It’s been five years since we graduated, but I still miss my old friends from college. That’s why the reunion of the Class of 2003 this summer is going to be great! The years at Central State University were the best years of our lives. It was a coming-of-age period in which we were growing from adolescence to adulthood. We were leaving behind ourpreviousfriends from high school and finding new ones in college. We were trying to decide whowe were and what we wanted to do, to develop avisionfor the future. We took courses and looked forguidance from our professors, hoping they would help us decide on a profession. I remember a proposalfrom one of my professors; she said that how much money you made wasn’t as important as how much better you made the world. At first, I was just concerned about paying back my student loans to the bank. I wanted toregaina sense of independence, of not owing money to anyone. When I paid them back, I remembered my professor’s advice about contributing to society. I decided to work for a nonprofit corporation. I got a job with Fair Trade, an organization that buys food products, like coffee, from small farmers. These farmers can’t ask for high prices because they produce small crops. So Fair Trade holds negotiationswith food companies so that they pay fair prices to the farmers. I even went to Central America to visit these farms, which was like a rite of passagefor me. I realized how much I really have and how much I must give back to society. Your friend, Shawn高级英语阅读(2)
  • 内部控制的基本理念、原则和方法等仅适用于企业等营利组织,不适用于非营利组织。内部控制