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 高等教育 / 新发展英语综合教程(二)

We can conclude _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the passage.
A、man has known the cause of yellow fever but doesn''t know how to get rid of it
B、man has known the cause of yellow fever and gotten rid of it from the world
C、man hasn''t known the cause of yellow fever exactly and there was a long way
D、man has known the cause of yellow fever and has achieved some success.
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  • 3. 2012年10月我国颁布了《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》,强调儿童的科学学习是在解决实际问题的过程中发现和理解事物本质和事物间关系的过程,主要包括科学探究和回答。 正确答案是:数学认知学前儿童科学教育
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