1.  >>  成人高等教育 / 小学教育学
 成人高等教育 / 小学教育学


  • A、


  • B、


  • C、


  • D、


  • 劳动技术教育是形成学生良好道德品质的重要途径 小学学校管理
  • 合同转让属于( )。 国家开放大学
  • 22[填空题] 民事诉讼法第一百四十二条的规定, 人民法院和它派出的法庭审理事实清楚,权利义务关系明确,争议不大的民事案件。民事诉讼法
  • 行为训练式消除某些不良的行为的方法有:示范奖赏惩罚联想等。心理健康教育
  • 1[填空题] I think I’ve always been interested in food. My grandparents lived on a farm in Lincolnshire and had a good    41   . She made fantastic English food; her roast beef was out of this world. I used to love going down to the    42    and watching her work, and I learned a lot from her. I realized that I wanted to be a cook when I was about 12. When other boys   43   to do sports after school, I helped with cooking at home. By the time I was 15, I had    44    to be a cook.    However, I knew my parents wouldn’t allow me to be a cook. I had to tell them about it    45.    I told them that I wanted to do a cookery course for fun, and stayed for a month in a hotel in Torquay. I enjoyed it so much that I couldn’t put off telling my parents any longer,   46   I brought the subject up one night over dinner.  47   there was silence, and then my father asked me why. I explained that cooking was   48   painting a picture or writing a book. Every meal was a work of creation. I could see that my father disagreed, but he was not   49  . He just looked at me and smiled. My mother kissed me. And now I have my own restaurant, and it goes well. I can see they are   50  me. However, my grandfather thinks I’m mad to give up farming.41. A. farmer      B. painter       C. cook         D. nurse   42. A. restaurant   B. hotel         C. farm         D. kitchen  43. A. chose       B. refused      C. hated         D. failed   44. A. decided     B. agreed       C. managed      D. turned  45. A. easily       B. softly        C. slowly        D. quietly 46. A. but        B. so           C. or            D. for     47.A. At first      B. At last       C. At least       D. At times 48 A. with         B. like        C. about          D. above  49. A. patient      B. satisfied     C. quiet           D. angry  50. A. proud of     B. sorry for     C. friendly to    D. strict with 大学英语(I)
  • 超过出让合同约定的动工开发日期满一年未动工开发的(不可抗力除外),可以征收相当于土地使用权出让金20%以下的土地闲置费房地产经营与管理