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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语阅读理解

35、When weather is hot, you go to a lake or an ocean. When you are near a lake or an ocean, you feel cool. Why? The sun makes the earth hot, but it cannot make the weather very hot. Although the air over the earth becomes hot, the air over the water stays cool. The hot air over the earth rises.
Then the cool air over the water moves in and takes the place of the hot air. When you are near a lake or an ocean, you feel the cool air when it moves in. You feel the wind, and the wind makes you feel cool.
Of course, scientists cannot answer all of our questions. If we ask, "Why is the ocean full of salt?" scientists will say that the salt comes from rocks. When a rock gets very hot or very cold, it cracks. Rain falls into the cracks. The rain then carries the salt into the earth and into the rivers. The rivers carry the salt into the ocean. But then we ask, "What happens to the salt in the ocean? The ocean does not get more salty every year." Scientists are not sure about the answer to this question.
We know a lot about our world. But there are still many answers that we do not have, and we are curious.
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