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 国家开放大学 / 建筑工程项目管理

根据《标准施工招标文件》中通用条款的内容,如果承包人在施工过程中发现文物、古迹而导致工期延误时,承包人可以向发包人索赔(  )。

a. 费用
b. 利润
c. 工期
d. 工期 费用
  • 2、 Wugging, or web use giving, describes the act of giving to charity at no cost to the user. By using Everyclick.com, which is being added to a number of university computers across the UK, students can raise money every time they search, but it won’t cost them a penny. Research shows that students are extremely passionate about supporting charity — 88%of full time students have used the Internet to give to charity. This age group is often the least likely to have their own income. 19%of 22 to 24 year olds have short-term debts of more than £5,000. With rising personal debt levels in this age group, due to university tuition fees or personal loans and a lack of long-term savings, traditional methods of donating to charity are often not appealing (有感染力的) or possible. Beth Truman, a 21 year old recent university graduate, has used Everyclick.com to donate to her chosen charity, the RSPCA, for two years and has seen the “wugging” movement grow in popularity with students. “When you’re at university you become more socially aware, but it’s sometimes hard to give to others when you have little money yourself,” says Beth. “Wugging is great for people in this age group as it allows them to use the technology on a daily basis to give to charity, without costing them a single penny.” Wugging is perfect for people who want to be more socially aware and supportive but don’t feel they have the means to do so. Students using the web can raise money for causes they care about without costing them anything in terms of time or money, and charities get a valuable source of funding. Everyclick.com works like any other search engine, allowing users to search for information, news and images but users can decide which of the UK’s 170,000 charities they would like to support through their clicks. Everyclick.com then makes monthly payments to every registered charity. Launched in June 2005, Everyclick.com is now the eighth largest search engine and one of the busiest charity websites in the UK. 6. According to the passage, “wugging” is actually _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. a website        B. a charity-related action C. a school organization  D. a student movement 7. In the case of charity, Everyclick.com _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. frees students of the financial worries B. receives much money from students C. offers valuable information to students D. praises students for their money-raising 8. What does Beth Truman think of the “wugging” movement? A. It makes Everyclick.com popular in the UK. B. It becomes easy to do charity because of it. C. It results in students’ more social awareness. D. It helps students to save money. 9. From the passage, we can conclude that _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. most full time students do charity on the Internet every day B. Everyclick.com helps students pay for the college education C. “wugging” is a win-win idea for both students and charities D. Everyclick.com is the most successful search engine in the UK 10. What would be the best title for this passage? A. “Wugging”, a new popular term on the Internet. B. British people show strong interest in charity. C. More Britain charities benefit from the Internet. D. Students raise money for charity by “wugging”.综合英语(三)
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