1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 高级英语听说(1)
 国家开放大学 / 高级英语听说(1)

1.Listen and fill in the blanks.


Peter: Wow. Look. It’s raining cats and dogs — again! I hate this weather. When does winter break start?

Jack: Winter break? It’s only October.

Peter: I know, but I’m 1 (1) of studying. I want to go someplace warm and lie on the beach for a week. Someplace where it's 2 (2) and dry. Florida or Hawaii, maybe?

Jack: Yeah. Where we can go swimming and snorkeling and get a great 3 (3). Now that’s my idea of a perfect vacation.

Ming: Not mine. I can’t swim very well, and I don’t like lying in the 4 (4).

Peter: Oh, yeah? How come?

Ming: I don’t know. I just prefer the mountains, especially in winter. I 5 (5) snowboarding. In fact, I’m planning to go to Bear Mountain with some friends in December. Do you guys want to 6 (6)?

Jack: No thanks. I went there last year. I was freezing the whole time. Anyway, I don’t know how to 7 (7) very well. Last year, I fell about a hundred times.

Ming: Peter, how about you?

Peter: Sorry, I’m like Jack. I don’t want to go anyplace where it’s below 8 (8) degrees.

Jack: By the way, what’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?

Ming: The same as today. Cloudy, cold, and a 90 percent 9 (9) of rain.

Jack: Oh, no! I left my umbrella at the library.

Ming: You can borrow mine. I’ve got an 10 (10) one.
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