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 成人高等教育 / 中国特色社会主义理论

新中国成立以来我们在社会主义建设中所经历的曲折和失误,归根结底,就在于没有完全搞清楚(   )

  • A、


  • B、


  • C、


  • D、


  • 县级以上人民政府在环境受到污染,可能影响()时,依法及时公布预警信息,启动应急措施。A、公众健康和环境安全 B、生产受严重影响 C、自然资源受极大损害 D、农作物受极大损害环境法
  • 机电一体化技术理论基础是()、信息论和系统论。机电一体化系统设计
  • 若想让produce、product、production、productivity出现在检索结果中,应使用的逻辑运算符是() A、 逻辑或 B、 逻辑与 C、 逻辑非 D、 截词符口腔内科学
  • 高等数学2
  • 下列可以提起行政赔偿诉讼的有(   ) 行政诉讼法与行政法
  • 14、The sun is the closest star to earth. It takes 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach our earth. The distance from the sun to earth is one astronomical unit(天文单位). It is about 150 million kilometers. Energy from the sun heats the earth's surface. The earth would be too cold for life without our star's heat energy. Other stars are too far away to give the earth enough heat energy for life. Scientists wonder if there is life near other stars. Our sun is an average(平均的) size star. It appears like the largest one, because it is the closest star. Some stars are smaller than our sun. Very small stars are called dwarf(短小的)stars. Some of them are no larger than our small planets. Some stars are much larger than our sun. The largest stars are called giant(巨大的)stars. Not all stars are the same distance from the earth. The different distances make some giant stars appear very small. Astronomers (天文学家)use light-year to talk about distance in space. A light-year is the distance the light travels in one year. The star, Alpha Centauri is the closest star besides our sun. It is over 4 light-year away from earth. It takes light from this star over four years to reach the earth.统考英语阅读理解