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 高等继续教育 / 中国近现代史纲要

题型描述: 单选题


  • (A)3(B)2(C)1(D)以上都不对[参考答案:D]  分值:4得分: 分 尤政威批改于2020年6月16日 23点57分 概率论与数理统计
  • 35、计算机病毒是一种特殊的计算机程序段,具有的特性有_______。 A.隐蔽性、复合性、安全性 B.传染性、隐蔽性、破坏性 C.隐蔽性、破坏性、易读性 D.传染性、易读性、破坏性计算机统考
  • 说话能力的构成要素包括( )的能力。(A) 观察思维 (B) 表情达意 (C) 组织语言 (D) 注意辨析 (E) 应变能力小学语文教学设计
  • 在Word2010中,下述关于分栏操作的说法,正确的是( )。 计算机应用基础
  • 11、Sometimes people are cheated by dress. Once,a great scholar went to a party. As he was very simply _ _ 21 _ _ ,he could not go inside. So he returned home and put on his _ _ 22 _ _ clothes. He went back to the party and was given a warm reception. In the time of the dinner he did not eat but was talking to his clothes.The host came and asked what was _ _ 23 _ _ . The scholar told him what happened. Since he was admitted only _ _ 24 _ _ his dress,he was talking to his dress. The host regretted about it and asked for the pardon of the scholar. Though dress may be,to some extent(某种程度上), _ _ 25 _ _ to judge a person,that alone will not be sufficient.统考英语完型填空
  • 椎间盘是椎管骨环的组成部分。正确错误医学影像学